Project Description
--- “Main Station Stuttgart”
Yingzi Zhang
The project is based on the Main Station Stuttgart. It is a
continuous shell roof covers the whole underground space, everywhere admitting natural
light and ventilation via the chalice eyes. There are two kind of “eyes”. One
is the entrance of the station and the other one is the light-scoop eye,
lighting the station hall below. And the modeling of them is pretty similar,
so, I will mainly focus on the modeling progress of the main entrance.
As starting modeling, I divided the entrance into two parts:
the dome and the main vertical circulation.
For the dome part, the basic idea is to anchor the edge of a
elliptic mesh and utilize the Uforce and Kangaroo component to make it deform
under the gravity force to give a form
in pure tension. Then trim the semi-sphere dome by an ellipsoid to create the
For the vertical circulation part, create a curve whose end
points separately located on two parallel elliptic curves, and then sweep it along
them. The curve is defined by the math equation, y3=ax. Since it's a
tunnel for circulation, another similar surface is created adjacent to it and
the tunnel is cut out by the intersection.
original size picture sharing link
mesh for dome |
dome |
GH for dome |
dome rendering |
vertical circulation modeling S1 |
vertical circulation modeling S2 |
GH for sweeping curve |
rendering for S2 |
vertical circulation modeling S3 |
final entrance rendering |
top view |
bottom view |
front view |
right view |
GH for light-scoop eyes' dome (right one in the upper pic) |
perspective 1 |
perspective 2 |
perspective 3 |